Cooking Skills - Part 1

Knife Skills & Kitchen Tools

Knife Skills

Scott shares with us his technique for G.R.E.A.T. knife skills. I thought I was pretty good at wielding a kitchen knife, but I learned so much!

He shares with us what to look for when buying a knife, how to hold it properly (spoiler, it’s not by the handle!), and how to keep your fingers safe in the kitchen.

And he’s funny…I laughed many times <3

Kitchen Tools

What does Chef Scott recommend in the kitchen? Learn about his favourite Kitchen Tools and what he wouldn’t live without.

A note on blenders (this is Lisa’s opinion, not Scott’s) - yes, high end blenders are amazing and everyone loves them once they buy one. If they’re in your budget and you want a Vitamix or Blendtec, fantastic!

If not, that’s a-okay as well. I don’t have a Vitamix and it’s not something I’m planning on buying anytime soon. My blender didn’t cost a lot, and frankly I don’t use it often (I don’t make a lot of smoothies). I definitely use my food processor a lot more than my blender and my pretty nice one was about $70.

So, in a nutshell - your kitchen can make TONS of wonderful and healthy food without an expensive blender. But, if you’d like one, go for it! <3

Now that we have GREAT knife skills and our kitchen has the right tools, now lets learn how to cook some staples - beans, grains, and how to caramelize onions.

Head over to Part 2!

Got any questions or comments? Jump to our private Facebook Group or the Ask Lisa page :)


Part 1

Knife Skills &

Kitchen Tools

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Part 2

Beans, Grains &

Caramelized Onions

View Lesson

Part 3

Bone Broth & Soup

View Lesson

Part 4

Dinner Ideas

(stir fry, buddha bowl, salads)

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