
I love that meditation is getting more and more popular and mainstream. I resisted meditating for a long time. I thought my jumpy monkey mind would struggle too much and I wouldn’t be able to meditate “properly”.

Then I learned 2 important meditation facts -

  1. When my mind jumps to a new thought it’s an opportunity to find calm. When I catch my mind thinking, let that thought go, and go back to concentrating on my breath or the guided meditation, it allows my brain to create a new neuropathway to calm. The more my mind jumps away and I catch it the more effective my meditation is.

  2. The first time you meditate is just as effective as the 1000th time. They’ve studied first-time meditators and Buddhist monks who’ve spent their life meditating - and their result is exactly the same.

In a nutshell - you don’t have to do it “properly” or be “good” at it for it to be helpful. Doing it is all that matters.

If time is a factor for you, but you’d like to give it a go - the free app Headspace gives you 10 free 10 minute meditations. They’re great.

And, I’ve teamed up with an amazing meditation expert, Lisa Dumas, to create these custom meditations just for you. Try them out and watch your brain thank you :),

The Be Present Meditation

Enjoy a relaxing breath technique and a body scan to help you unite with the ever freshening present moment.

The Acceptance Meditation

Explore the art of self acceptance in this loving body scan.

The Relaxation Meditation

You deserve complete relaxation for your body and mind in this healing meditation.


A former radio host struggling with a long battle with disordered anxiety, fellow British Columbian Lisa Dumas’ purpose is offering others the healing tools she’s attained over the past decade through the paths of yoga, meditation, psychology and yoga therapy. Lisa is passionate about humbly supporting others in their wellness goals for their bodies, minds and hearts.

You will come away from sessions with Lisa armed with a customized tool box of techniques to help you create a life of meaning and joy, along with simple, daily practices to support you on your journey of self-discovery leading to true self-love.

She will hold non-judgmental space for you as you relearn acceptance, self-compassion and reclaim your courageous heart.

Learn more about working with Lisa privately or at your own personal retreat in San Diego!