Cooking Skills - Part 4

Dinner Ideas

Stir Fry

I LOVE a good stir fry and I eat them a few times a week at least. To me a good stir fry is full of veggies, tastes great, and (most importantly) takes a short time to put together.

The trouble with creating a great stir fry is getting the flavour blend to work together. In this video, Scott tells us how to create stir fry magic!

(he also tells how to keep our eggs from sticking to the pan too, just an extra bonus :)

Buddha Bowls

My favourite food to order in restaurants is a Buddha Bowl. I love the combo of cooked and raw veggies, grains, avocado, and the delicious sauce. But, to be honest, I’ve never tried to make one at home. I think I will after listening to all of Scott’s great ideas!

The “Well-Dressed Salads” handout he refers to is below :)



Salads can be an easy dinner or side dish, especially in the warmer months. They also can be a great thing to bring to a potluck…but the trouble is always, will it taste any good?

Scott has helped us out with this amazing Well-Dressed Salad e-book. It’s 13 pages of salad recipes, instructions, and salad dressings :).


Bonus - Repurposing food hacks

Putting together a meal out of leftovers can stretch our food budget and make for an easy dinner. Scott graciously shared with us a handout he put together on how to throw together a meal with the ingredients in your fridge.

This handout provides a ton of flavour combos and food ideas, thanks Scott! I think this will be going up on my fridge :). Click the button for a printable version.

Now we’re done! If you have any additional questions for Scott, post them on Facebook or email me. I’ll make sure all of his Facebook Lives and Q&As are added to this Masterclass so everyone can see them :)

Got any questions or comments? Jump to our private Facebook Group or the Ask Lisa page :)


Part 1

Knife Skills &

Kitchen Tools

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Part 2

Beans, Grains &

Caramelized Onions

View Lesson

Part 3

Bone Broth & Soup

View Lesson

Part 4

Dinner Ideas

(stir fry, buddha bowl, salads)

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