January - Intermittent Fasting



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Intermittent Fasting, it’s all the rage. Everywhere I turn there’s someone is talking about how fantastic it is. How easy it is. And how effective it is.

Yes. That can be true. AND…there are some downsides. For some, these downsides can be pretty major.

I’ve been very hesitant to talk about Intermittent Fasting for years. I was hesitant because it seemed too good to be true and it needed some research and real-world experience (frankly, it still does). I’m still hesitant to talk about it because it can trigger disordered eating and dieting mentality. 

But, it’s getting so popular that it’s time we talked about it because, like many new fangled diets and schemes, the story tends to be one-sided. Plus, for some, it can be a helpful tool that their body really loves. 

Honestly, this may be incredibly helpful in your life. Or, your body might hate it and it could become detrimental if you force your body into it. 

In this masterclass, I’ve laid out the information I’ve come across so far. If you want the Cole’s Notes version, be sure to read Part 1, IF for men or women, and whatever type you’re interested in. If you’re a woman, please please please be sure to read the IF for women part, I think it’s very important that we enter into any new adventure knowing the good stuff and the bad stuff. 

how I’ve organized this Masterclass:

So I don’t have to type “Intermittent Fasting” 150 times in this masterclass, I’ll be shortening it to “IF”

Part 1 – What is Intermittent Fasting – this is a general overview of why IF may be beneficial for some, who it’s not for, and my honest opinion about it. 

Part 2 – IF for Men – this section goes through all of the benefits of IF. It also looks at a few cons. I guide you to the most effective types of IF for men. 

Part 3 – IF for Women – this is an important section for any menstruating woman. This talks about some of the potential hormonal problems with IF. I guide you to the most effective and safest forms of IF for women

Part 4 – IF, Eating Window – this type of IF stretches your overnight fast to 12 – 20 hours. Included are the popular “Leangains” and “Warrior” style IF

Part 5 – IF, the 5:2 Method – this is a gentle type of fasting that I’ve found to be fairly effective for some post-menopausal women. 

Part 6 – IF, Longer Fasts – this section looks at 24 – 36 hour fasts and their benefits. 

Warning - Intermittent Fasting & Diabetes Medication

One of the benefits of IF is that it *may* lower your insulin/blood sugar levels. This is great unless you’re taking medication that will also lower your blood sugar. This may lead to dangerously low blood sugar.

If you’re on Metformin, insulin, or any other diabetes medications – check with your doctor before trying any form of IF and monitor your blood sugar at least 4x per day. 

If you have any questions, jump to our private Facebook Group or the Ask Lisa page :)

Now let’s get started! Head over to Part 1.


Part 1

What Is If?

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Part 2

IF for Men

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Part 3

IF for Women

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Part 4

IF - Eating Window

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Part 5

IF - 5:2 Method

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Part 6

IF - Longer Fasting

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