Intermittent Fasting - Part 6

Intermittent Fasting - Longer Fasting


This is longer fasting that can be done weekly, monthly, or alternate-day fasting. Technically, this includes full week to month-long fasts, but those aren’t very common in the Intermittent Fasting world, so here we’ll talk about 24 – 36 hour fasts.

I don’t recommend any of these fasting techniques for menstruating women due to its possible detrimental effects on their hormones.

24 Hour Fast – 1 – 2x per week

This is very simple. Once or twice a week you fast for 24 hours. The fast is usually dinnertime-to-dinnertime, which means you don’t ever go a full day without eating. You could also go breakfast-to-breakfast or lunch-to-lunch, it’s really flexible.

Best for: Men who are a generally healthy weight but would like to lower body fat %


Alternate Day Fasting

Eat for 12 hours, fast for 36 hours

An example of this method:

Monday – eat from 8am – 8pm

Tuesday – fast

Wednesday – eat from 8am – 8pm

Thursday – fast

Best for: 

Men with high blood sugar and 100+lbs of excess weight.  

Longer than 36-hour fasts

These have been popular in the alternative health world for decades but there isn’t a lot of research. Dr. Jason Fung (IF proponent and M.D.) highly recommends 7-10 day fasts for his diabetic patients, but that needs to be done with clinical supervision.

If you choose to do a longer fast, be careful, and make sure you’re eating a nutrient-dense diet beforehand to prevent deficiencies. 

What you can eat & drink during your fasting days:

  • Water

  • BCAA if you’re exercising

  • Coffee with cream or fat (“bulletproof” coffee) 

  • Bone broth

  • Herbal tea


That’s it! You’ve made it to the end! If you have any questions, be sure to send them to me here: our private Facebook Group or the Ask Lisa page :)


Part 1

What Is If?

View Lesson

Part 2

IF for Men

View Lesson

Part 3

IF for Women

View Lesson

Part 4

IF - Eating Window

View Lesson

Part 5

IF - 5:2 Method

View Lesson

Part 6

IF - Longer Fasting

View Lesson