March - The Lymphatic and Glymphatic Systems

The lymphatic and glymphatic systems have taken over a large amount of my brain space lately.

It all started last fall when I was tired of feeling puffy all the time. It was getting worse each year and my old solutions had stopped working. Frankly, cortisol was definitely a factor here, but I needed something to help! 

This is when I discovered “The Big 6” lymph massage technique. I tried it for the first time while basking in the hot springs. Immediately I felt my whole body heat up and I felt an overwhelming urge to use the cold shower they provide. …this was very odd for me, I don’t usually enjoy the cold, but man! It felt so good (hot/cold/hot is an effective way to move lymph fluid, so I took it as a sign my body liked the massage).

I’ve continued to do this technique 1 – 2 x per day since September and I notice a difference when I forget. My body is very happy with this :)

Then, in November a colleague introduced me to a system I hadn’t heard of – The Glymphatic System. This is the brain’s detox/clean up system, and once again I was intrigued.

This masterclass is important because the Lymph and Glymph systems are required for your body to work properly each day. Eating a healthy diet is very important…but we also need to clean out the waste from the cells using all of those great nutrients.

Imagine your house if you never took out the garbage, it wouldn’t matter how great the food is that you bring home…it’s impossible to feel well with garbage everywhere!

Supporting the Glymphatic System is particularly important when it comes to aging well and preventing dementia. This system is SUPER new to the science world, so we’re only just beginning to understand the connections between a properly functioning glymphatic system and the accumulation of rogue proteins which is a hallmark of both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. 

Now, supporting my lymph and glymph has become a bit of an obsession in my life and I’m happy to say that it doesn’t take up a lot of time each day. Just a few little things can help a lot in supporting these detox systems :)

In this masterclass, we’re diving into the lymphatic and glymphatic systems. What are they, how do they work, and (most importantly), how to find balance.

Part 1 – Understanding the Lymphatic System

Part 2 – An Introduction to the Glymphatic System

Part 3 – How to Incorporate Lymphatic and Glymphatic Support into your Day

Let’s dive in!

Got any questions or comments? Comment below, jump to our private Facebook Group, or the Ask Lisa page :).

Let’s get started! Head over to Part 1.


Part 1

the Lymphatic System

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Part 2

the Glymphatic System

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Part 3

Incorporate Lymphatic and Glymphatic Support into your Day

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