The Lymphatic and Glymphatic Systems - Part 3

Incorporate Lymphatic and Glymphatic Support

Let’s make this as practical as possible. Here are some easy, straightforward, actionable steps that can easily fit into your daily routine.

As always – YOU DON’T NEED TO DO EVERYTHING. This is an ideal schedule you could try out for a few weeks and see how it sticks. Or, you can just pick one and once that’s easy, try another :)

Creating new habits can take some practice, and what can also help is to create a timeline :). Like: this month I’m going to incorporate 3 lymph/glymph techniques into my day. At the end of the month, many (probably not all) habits have become a part of your day. See what sticks and keep it up :)


  • Start with Water: Upon waking, drink a glass of lukewarm water. It kickstarts your digestion and lymphatic system. Adding lemon and/or salt can also be helpful.

  • Stretch it Out: Spend 5-10 minutes doing gentle stretches to get your blood and lymph flowing.

  • Or, do “The Big 6” lymph stimulation: Before you get out of bed or when you’re drinking coffee/tea in the morning, spend 2 – 3 minutes on this technique. Video & description below.

  • Dry Brushing: Before each shower, spend a minute dry brushing your skin towards the heart (how to below).

Throughout the Day:

  • Hydrate Often: Keep a water bottle handy and sip regularly. Staying hydrated is simple and effective for both systems.

  • Breathe Deeply: Every couple of hours, take a short break for some deep breathing exercises. Even one minute can support your glymphatic system.

  • Antioxidant Snacks: Choose fruits and nuts over processed snacks. The antioxidants and healthy fats support brain and lymph health.


  • Dinner Choices: Prepare a meal rich in vegetables, lean proteins, and starches to support your body and help with sleep. Fibre-rich starchy foods (root veg, whole grains, beans) can be VERY helpful for sleep :)

  • Evening Walk: A brisk 20-minute walk after dinner can boost circulation and aid digestion.

Before Bed:

  • Wind Down: Dim the lights and turn off screens at least an hour before bed to signal your brain it's time to rest, supporting glymphatic waste removal.

  • Legs Up the Wall: Lie down on your back and put your legs up against a wall for a few minutes to promote lymph drainage and relaxation before sleep.


  • Exercise Sessions: Schedule at least three 30-minute exercise sessions each week. Any exercise that gets your heart rate up is great, but yoga can be particularly beneficial for lymphatic flow.

Struggling with Sleep? Or deep sleep?

Sleep can be elusive but is also super important for your glymphatic system. Here are a few tips, and you’ll find more in our Sleep Masterclass.

Magnesium – take 300 – 600mg of magnesium citrate or bisglycinate every day (divided doses, morning and dinner). Magnesium encourages deeper sleep, especially if your body is restless.

Hot bath – your inner body temp needs to be cool to sleep, and ironically, a hot bath helps your body cool down. The heat on your skin forces your body to cool your core, aiding with sleep

Sleep in a cool/dark room…but with a warm body. Going to bed with socks and/or a hat can encourage the body to keep your core cooler. Getting into a cold bed may inhibit sleep by asking your body to warm up. You can take them off once your blankets have warmed up

Counterintuitive tip:

If you’re getting up to pee many times at night, this is a sign you might not be getting into deep sleep. Melatonin can help you get to sleep, but it may keep you at the REM/dream state, instead of deep sleep. Reduce/remove melatonin for a week and see if it helps.

The Big 6 Lymph Stimulation

For each area: Rub 10 times, Tap 10 times, Circle 10 times

  1. Above and below the collarbone

  2. Jawline/Around the ear

  3. Armpit (ladies, shake those breasts as well, lots of lymph nodes in there!)

  4. Abdomen

  5. Hip/groin area

  6. Back of the knees

Afterwards: Shake/Bounce for 30 seconds.

In conclusion

Remember, taking care of these systems isn't just about adding complex routines to your day; it's about making simple, mindful choices that fit seamlessly into your life. Whether it's integrating more greens into your meals, prioritizing deep sleep, or taking a few moments to breathe deeply and stretch, each small step you take is a giant leap toward better health.

Supporting your body's natural detox and waste removal processes can be as easy as adjusting your sleep habits or adding a magnesium supplement to your diet. So, grab one idea from this masterclass and integrate it into your day, knowing that every effort we make supports our well-being.

Here's to feeling vibrant, clear-headed, and fully alive—because taking care of our bodies in these gentle, natural ways isn't just possible; it's the key to unlocking our best health.

Got any questions or comments? Comment below, jump to our private Facebook Group, or the Ask Lisa page :).


Part 1

the Lymphatic System

View Lesson

Part 2

the Glymphatic System

View Lesson

Part 3

Incorporate Lymphatic and Glymphatic Support into your Day

View Lesson