August - Completing the Stress Cycle

What’s Stress?

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This masterclass is an important resilience tool for recovering from and preventing burnout. Finding your unique way to complete your stress cycle is so helpful!

You know how a pressure cooker can explode if not released? Well, unresolved stress is like that. When you don't find healthy ways to deal with stress, it builds up inside you, wreaking havoc on your physical and mental health.

It can lead to sleep troubles, headaches, and even digestive problems. And guess what? That's not all. Chronic stress can increase the risk of serious health issues like heart disease, depression, and anxiety.

Completing your stress cycle is like opening the valve on your inner pressure cooker to let the tension release. It allows your body to easily shift out of the stress state and back into calm & relax mode :).  

In this masterclass, you’ll learn about the different types of stress responses and find many options to complete your stress cycle.  

This Masterclass is in 3 Parts:

Part 1: What’s Stress?

Part 2: The Stress Response (Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn)

Part 3: How to Complete Your Stress Cycle

Let’s dive in!

Got any questions or comments? Comment below, jump to our private Facebook Group, or the Ask Lisa page :).

Let’s get started! Head over to Part 1.


Part 1

What’s Stress?

View Lesson

Part 2

Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn

View Lesson

Part 3

How to Complete Your Stress Cycle

View Lesson