September - Fat, Fat, Glorious Fat!

Fat, Fat, Glorious Fat!

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Oh fat. Glorious, wonderful fat. You enhance the flavour of food, you help with absorption, and you make my skin glow.  

Why, oh why were you vilified for so long?

…but, lovely wonderful fat, I also don’t believe that you’re the best star of the meal or best source of fuel for the body. Please don’t think that this is a judgment against your gloriousness, we all have to know our place in the world.

And yours, my lovely fat, is a glorious addition to all food. Slathered on my sweet potatoes or drizzled on my broccoli. You play a very important role in every meal. So, let’s take a deep dive into fat and all of its gloriousness.

This masterclass is in 3 parts: 

Part 1 – Why is fat so darn GLORIOUS?!?

Part 2 – Dietary Fat 101

Part 3 – Healthy Fat in Real Life

Let’s dive in! Head over to Part 1!

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Part 1

Why is fat glorious?

View Lesson

Part 2

Dietary Fat 101

View Lesson

Part 3

Healthy Fat in Real Life

View Lesson