Ayurveda - Part 4



Kapha people are the center of the house, they’re our earth mothers/fathers, and can bring love and presence to everyone they meet. Feeling grounded is so easy for them that their problem is getting too rooted at times, especially in the winter. 

The bodies of kapha people are strong and healthy. They have strong muscles and large bones. They have bigger frames than the other two and gain weight easily. Their digestion and metabolism can also be a bit sluggish which makes it even easier for a kapha person to gain extra weight. 

They have amazing amounts of stamina and tend to enjoy good health. Their skin is soft and smooth, they have beautiful bright eyes, and gorgeous thick hair. 

Their digestion is slow but they have a steady appetite and can comfortably skip a meal without it affecting their energy or concentration. Their slow metabolism gives them a long-life span, longer than the other two dosha types. 

Sweet tends to be their favourite flavour and love candy, cookies, and chocolate. But, sweet foods create an imbalance in a kapha body and it can lead to water retention. They do better with lighter foods and bitter or astringent flavours.

Kapha’s are slow and intentional in every way. Their words are thoughtful, their actions are patiently considered, and they move slowly and gracefully.

They’re sweet and loving. Natural peacemakers, tolerant, caring, and forgiving. They’re natural huggers :). They’ve got a wonderful softness, physically and emotionally. They have silky skin and hair and a soft and gentle being.

Just being near a kapha person helps a less grounded vata person relax and be present. Each dosha has a wonderful effect on the others :)



Kapha out of Balance

Kaphas can feel heavy and foggy in the morning and might need a boost of caffeine to get moving. They’re not naturally morning people at all and prefer mid-day, and an afternoon nap (especially when out of balance).

Symptoms include:

  • Sluggish and sedentary

  • Water retention

  • Colds, flus, sinus congestion

  • Seasonal allergies

  • Heavy feeling in stomach

  • Sluggish digestion

  • Excess weight

  • Diabetes

  • Sinus headaches

  • PMS, especially water retention

  • Depression

Kaphas can feel very sedentary easily and struggle with vigorous exercise (which is really good for their body types). Their entire system slows down when out of balance, causing slow digestion, a very slow metabolism, and easy weight gain. 

Emotionally, they tend to hold grudges and struggle to forgive when out of balance. Jealousy, greed, and envy are also common emotions. 

General Guidelines for Balancing Kapha

  • Get plenty of exercise

  • Avoid heavy foods

  • Keep active

  • Vary your routine

  • Avoid dairy foods

  • Avoid iced food and drinks

  • Avoid fatty or oily food

  • Eat light, dry food

Kapha Balancing Foods

Kapha people are balanced by bitter, flavourful, and warm foods.

Click here for a Kapha-balancing food list:


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Head over to Part 5.


Part 1

Dosha - Your Constitution

View Lesson

Part 2


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Part 3


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Part 4


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Part 5

Finding Balance

View Lesson