Ayurveda - Part 3



Pitta people bring fire into our lives. Vata energy creates an idea and it’s the pitta drive that turns the idea into something real. Most entrepreneurs have a lot of pitta energy, which fuels their passion. In life, a pitta person is fiery and driven…and sometimes hot-headed. 

Pitta’s are usually of average height and build, though some can have more of a delicate frame. They tend to have fine hair that’s blond or red, with coppery skin. Early grey and thinning hair are common pitta features.

Pitta people tend to run warm (I’ve been described as a furnace many times) and tolerate cold weather easily. The heat makes them a tad sweaty, especially their hands and feet. Hot days, especially in the height of the summer, can be hard for pittas. This can really aggravate their symptoms, both physically (inflammation) and emotionally (fiery, angry).

Their digestive fire is also strong, and pittas are known for having a strong digestive system with few complaints. They have a strong appetite and a big thirst. They tend to like very spicy food…which just fuels their fire and can through them off balance. Acid reflux, gastritis, and ulcers can happen if the pitta energy is out of balance. They’re good sleepers and can sleep deeply. 

Pitta’s are bright and intelligent and are great at long study and learning new things. They’ve got sharp memories and love investigating. They love to dig deep into a problem and find the solution. They’re great lovers of knowledge, great speakers, and make wonderful leaders.


Pitta out of Balance

Most pitta symptoms are from excess heat and fire, and inflammation is a common problem.

Some symptoms of pitta out of balance:

  • Inflammatory diseases

  • Fevers

  • Jaundice

  • Sweating

  • Hives and rashes

  • Burning sensations

  • Ulcers

  • Burning eyes

  • Sore throats

  • Colitis

  • All other –“itis” conditions (inflammation)

Out of balance, pitta’s ambitious nature can become aggressive and dominating. They can become very critical of others and themselves. They’re very prone to workaholism and stress-related issues. 

Eating spicy food, sour fruits, and spending too much time in the sun or near a fire can quickly throw a pitta person out of whack.

Summer is a very hard time for a pitta person, and care to eat in season foods to cool down their body and mind is important. 

Lisa tip – I find a dip in a cool lake or an ice pack on my head is a quick way to calm down that fire on a hot day. Yes, if you come into my house on a very hot day you may find me with an ice pack on my head. It was a wonderful discovery :). 

General Guidelines for Balancing Pitta

  • Avoid excess heat

  • Avoid excess oil

  • Avoid excess steam

  • Limit salt intake

  • Eat cooling, non-spicy foods

  • Drink cool drinks (not iced)

  • Exercise during cooler parts of the day

Pitta Balancing Foods

Pitta people are balanced by sweet, bitter, and cooling foods.

Click here for a pitta-pacifying food list:


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Head over to Part 4.


Part 1

Dosha - Your Constitution

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Part 2


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Part 3


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Part 4


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Part 5

Finding Balance

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