April - The Path to Food Freedom


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Imagine feeling completely free around food.

You don’t deny yourself anything you’d like to eat. You feel totally satisfied after each meal. And, there are no driving cravings or food thoughts running through your head all the time.

How would that feel? Pretty fantastic, right?

This is what your body would like too. It really would.

But first, two very important warnings -

  1. THIS WILL SEEM TOO EASY to your brain that’s used to dieting and restriction. Your brain might give you LOTS and LOTS of of feedback, like; “this can’t possibly work” and “sure, this might work for some people, but not for me”. These techniques work really, really well, but they take some practice. For most people there’s a moment where it just clicks and food freedom is now theirs. Be patient and wait for that click ❤️.

  2. THIS MASTERCLASS MIGHT BRING UP SOME EMOTIONAL STUFF. If you’ve been on a diet (or 2 or 10), your brain might really struggle with a new, uncontrolled way of eating. This is totally normal and is to be expected…plus, it passes. Keep it up and sooner than later your brain will realize how glorious it feels to move away from dieting and restriction and toward food freedom ❤️

Two things that move us away from food freedom:

1. The belief that the only way to lose or maintain weight is through food restriction

2. The belief that certain foods are good and others are bad

Are there foods that are more nutritious than others? Yes. But as soon as we demonize a food our inner two-year-old starts a tantrum and that food becomes irresistible. Totally and completely irresistible.

This is well proven in studies –

  • Anytime food is restricted (ie, anytime you can’t eat as much as you desire) it becomes a huge focus for your brain. This means that we will eat MORE cookies when we restrict cookies. This is human nature and comes from our ancestors when food was scarce.

  • The idea that sugar is addicting comes from a problematic rat study where they starved rats and then gave them a sugar solution. Yes, they ate an enormous amount…but they were STARVING! When well-fed rats were given a sugar solution, they had a bit and left it. This means that sugar only feels addicting when you’re starving or feeling deprived.

This might be hard to get your head around, especially if you’d like to lose weight, so let me lay down one more fact before we get started:

Dieting/food restriction is the #1 predictor of weight gain.

Dieting, counting, restricting, and demonizing food only make us eat more. If saying “no” to food isn’t a valid way to create dietary balance, what do you do?

That’s exactly what we’re looking at in this masterclass :).

In this masterclass, I’m going to take you through a process to see food in a new way and to change your relationship with food. Together we’ll create a new balance for both your body and your relationship with food.

…but it might not be easy. This may trigger a lot of feelings around food, and every single one of them is valid. My door (well, email) is always open to help you through these feelings, and so is our whole group (post in the private fb group anytime :)

This Masterclass is in 4 parts:

Part 1: A New Look at Food & Dieting

Your rational brain, that’s spent years dieting, may have some trouble with this masterclass. Each part goes against dieting philosophy, but for good reason. Dieting doesn’t work! The purpose of this part is to show your rational brain that there’s a different way.

Part 2: Balance Your Meals

In this part we dive into all things food. You’ll get a step-by-step guide to find balance in your food ❤️.

Part 3: Reconnect with Your Body

Your body needs some love! In this part we look at body love, metabolism, and dive into hunger hormones.

Part 4: Your Long-Term Strategy

This part looks at some ideas for your advanced practice. Dive into this part now, or after you’ve balanced your meals and reconnected with your body. Go at your own pace.

Let’s dive in! Head over to Part 1.

Got any questions or comments? Comment below, jump to our private Facebook Group, or the Ask Lisa page :)


Part 1

A New Look at Food & Dieting

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Part 2

Balance Your Meals

View Lesson

Part 3

Reconnect with your body

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Part 4

Your Longterm strategy ❤️

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