In Real Life.png


I created this digital course to help you bring the Undieting principals into your life. Pulling the threads of dieting culture out of your life and out of your rational mind can take time and patience, and I wanted to give you some extra support. 

This is a time to be gentle toward yourself, you’re creating a new way of being! It’s a different way and a kinder way <3. 

Dieting Culture Red Flags –

There are some of the statements that I listen for when I’m helping a client undiet their life. These statements can seem like normal, healthy eating statements…but were planted in your brain by the dieting industry to pull you toward dieting. 

Notice if you feel/think/say:

  • I should restrict this macronutrient (like carbs or fat) to lose weight

  • This food is bad so I shouldn’t eat it (even though I’d like to), or, this food is really healthy so I should eat it (even though I don’t like it).

  • I need to eat every 3 hours…even if I’m still full from my last meal (or any food rule that doesn’t feel right to you)

  • I need to be thinner to be healthy

  • I need to count calories or macronutrients to be healthy

  • I must log all of the food I eat to make sure I’m eating healthy

NONE OF THESE STATEMENTS ARE TRUE. Every single statement is a dieting industry falsehood. Anytime one of these statements goes through your head, gently remind yourself that it’s not true. It takes time to undiet your way of thinking and it happens with each gentle reminder <3.  

Remember - Your body already knows what you need. It’s your best friend and your best ally. It wants you to be healthy, happy, and full of energy :)

Dieting culture steals the innate wisdom your body already has. Your body wants to be healthy and balanced and it’s constantly giving you information and wisdom to be healthy. Undieting helps you tap into that knowledge.

Navigating Undieting in Real Life

As you work your way through this digital course, pay attention to how you feel and what feels good. When you notice something feels good – do it more :).

With each Part you’ll learn a new way of tuning into your body. Take each step one at a time and in whatever order you’d like. There’s no “right” or “perfect” way of undieting – there’s just your unique way. 

Your unique and beautiful youness is your best guide to your undieting life. <3

Xo Lisa

Time to get started! Head over to Part 1!


Part 1

Say Yes instead of no

View Lesson

Part 2

New Habits without willlpower

View Lesson

Part 3

Tune Into Your Body

View Lesson

Part 4

The power of

pleasurable eating

View Lesson