Let's Make Healthy Changes - Part 4



We REALLY need to move each day. Our body has evolved to rely on regular movement to work properly. 

Our colon gets stimulated every time we squat down. The squatting movement massages our colon and helps facilitate an easy bowel movement. 

Our lymph system, which is our garbage disposal system for our immune system and our cells, is a lot like our cardiovascular system…only 3x bigger. But, it doesn’t have the heart to pump fluid, instead, it relies on our muscles contracting regularly. Cellulite is a sign that we have stuck lymph that hasn’t been moving properly, which is probably why we get it in our thighs and rear (we spend all day sitting on it).

Movement also helps to put us into a relaxed state, massages our organs, and helps our mood and mind work sharper.

But, you don’t need to join a gym or start an intense CrossFit regime to gain the benefits of movement for your body….you just need to find about 30 mins a day (collectively) to move.


To gym or not to gym?

It depends on what you like. Remember you do you? Yup, it works for going to the gym too. 

If you’ve never tried out a gym and it seems interesting to you, give ‘er a go!

Maybe even look at hiring a personal trainer for a session or two so they can show you what to do and how to use the machines. Or try a fitness class or two. Maybe jump in the pool and see if you like swimming. 

While I usually give myself 30 days of something to see if I like it or not, to be honest, I’ve never done this with a gym…because I dislike the noise greatly. It’s just not the place for me, but it is for so many people that it’s worth checking out if you’ve ever felt the draw.

There’s one exception to my anti-gym philosophy – and that was a climbing gym that I loved in Toronto :). After just a few outings I was totally hooked and it quickly became my favourite place to be. I felt so strong and I loved every second of climbing. 

But when I moved to BC I tried out the climbing gym in Kelowna and it just didn’t feel right to me. As soon as I felt like I was forcing myself to go I knew I needed to find another way to exercise. It’s important to enjoy any activity you do regularly!



30 mins 5 - 7x or 150 mins per week 

That’s it. The magic number.

That’s what research has found to be that perfect number for health. Research has found that 30 mins per day is just as effective as an hour for weight loss. It also helps improve our cognition, reduces stress, and helps our immune system. It’s a magic pill for health!

AND! Research has found that 30 consecutive minutes aren’t necessary (but are better for weight loss). If you’re struggling with 30 mins (or you find it’s hard to work into a busy day), six 5-minute exercise bursts are also beneficial.

This could mean taking the stairs whenever possible, going for a lunchtime walk, and parking a bit further from the building when you’re running errands. The key is – do it!

For me, especially when the couch feels oh so comfy, I can always get my head around a 5 min walk/jog/youtube exercise class. And usually, I keep going once I get the momentum. 

AND! There are lots of benefits to any exercise. A study published by PLOS One found that inactive older adults who added just 48 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week lowered their risk of major disability compared with sedentary people.

Don’t underestimate the power of 5 minutes of exercise! And any movement is better than no movement :)


What does this look like?

Gentle exercise –

  • Walking at your own pace

  • Qi Gong or Tai Chi 

  • Yin or Restorative yoga (mostly just stretching, but will move your lymph and massage your organs :)

  • Chair yoga (great if you struggle to get up and down off of the floor and it builds great strength!)

Moderate exercise –

  • Walk uphill

  • Easy hiking

  • Beginner yoga

  • Swimming

  • Gym exercise

  • Rowing Machine

  • Gentle biking

Intense exercise –

  • Fitness classes at the gym (the last one I went to I could barely walk afterward! It was INTENSE!)

  • A more advance or active yoga class

  • Uphill hiking

  • Swimming (when you really push yourself)

  • Cardio (running, elliptical, etc)

  • Spinning

  • Climbing/bouldering

  • Rowing Machine

Super intense exercise –

  • CrossFit

  • Trail Running

Even the most gentle movement will make your body happy and will move your lymph (which will help your immune system). Try a few out and look for one you enjoy! 

Keep in mind that having an exercise buddy is extra helpful, and this is a great time of the year to find someone who’s also looking to try some new exercise! Maybe a walking buddy? Or a gym buddy? 

Whatever your fitness level is right now, try out a new exercise or two and find one you love! I never expected to enjoy climbing as much as I did, I’m SO glad I tried it out! <3

Got any questions or comments? Jump to our private Facebook Group or the Ask Lisa page :)


Part 1

Why change is hard

and how to make it happen

View Lesson

Part 2

Sleep & Energy

View Lesson

Part 3

Healthy Eating

View Lesson

Part 4

Real-Life Exercise

View Lesson