Real Life Healthy Eating - Part 2

Week 2 - More Healthy Food

Now we’re at Week 2 and it’s time to add a little bit more…

Food-wise, keep on adding fruits and veggies. Pushing your fruit and veggie level up can take more than a week and I want to make sure you have time to incorporate lots and lots of veggies.

If you're at 10 servings a day or can't possibly find any other way to add another serving, then shift your focus to adding other plant-based foods to your diet - like nuts, seeds, beans, and whole grains (if you tolerate them).

All plant-based fibre is super duper good for your gut bacteria, they feed exactly the types of bacteria we want in our gut. A happy microbiome = a better metabolism, lower blood sugar, and lower inflammation just to name a few. Beans, nuts, and seeds can be just as good for you as veggies and fruit.

A few ideas:

  • Cauliflower rice - it's all the rage and can be a great way to add more veggies to your life. Impt note - grains are not bad for most of us; this is just a bonus veggie. If cauliflower makes you gassy...skip this one :)

  • Delish lentil salad - this is a family favourite and it's even better after a few days :)

  • Chocolate bliss balls - they're full of plant-based fibre and they're sooooooo good.

  • Grab a handful of nuts and/or seeds for an afternoon snack (I also add a bit of dark chocolate for magnesium :)

  • Want to try more beans but not sure how? Check out this great article with tons of ideas :)


Bonus section -

I want to add one more challenge for you this does food make you feel?

Check in with your body and see what your body loves and doesn't love so much. 

A few questions to ask yourself -

  • When do you feel really satisfied after eating?

  • When do you have big cravings after eating? (like wanting something sweet)

  • What are your cravings? And when do you crave these foods?

  • How do you feel in the evening if you eat breakfast, lunch, a snack, and dinner? (especially if you're usually a meal skipper)

  • What happens if you miss a meal? (if you're a meal skipper…it’s time to notice how you feel)

Advance level questions -

  • What is your self-talk when you’re preparing food? Does it change when you're making a veggie-heavy meal vs. a more processed one?

  • What is your self-talk when you’re eating? Notice if there's a difference when you're eating veggies and when you're eating something sweet or processed.

 Real-Life Healthy Eating involves eating food that your body LOVES, it's what makes healthy eating easy :). Just start thinking about it and we'll talk more about this later :)

Got any questions or comments? Jump to our private Facebook Group or the Ask Lisa page :)

Head over to Part 3.


Part 1

Week 1 Challenge

All about ADDING

View Lesson

Part 2

Week 2 Challenge

More healthy food

View Lesson

Part 3

Meal Prep

View Lesson

Part 4

Switch out your kitchen pantry

View Lesson