June - Your FODMAPs Guide

Your FODMAPs Guide

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Right now, in June 2022, the most popular intervention diet recommended by doctors is the FODMAPs diet. FODMAP stands for fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharide, and polyol. This is a complicated way of saying that some carbohydrates can ferment and feed problematic bacteria in your gut and cause symptoms.

In a nutshell, fermenting equals lots and lots of gas & pain, and this diet focuses on eating low FODMAPs foods (not very fermentable) and avoiding high FODMAPs foods (very fermentable).

The main symptom is bloating. And the main condition this diet treats is SIBO. We’ll be diving into this in Part 1.

But, what I find really frustrating is that now that medical doctors have a diet to recommend that’s been clinically proven to reduce some digestive symptoms (this is the first one they’ve had), they recommend it for EVERYTHING! EVERYTHING!!!

It doesn’t help with everything. It doesn’t even help with all gut bacteria imbalances. It’s a great way to rebalance one problem. ONE PROBLEM. Not everything.

And, it’s meant to be a temporary way of eating. Continuing on a FODMAPs diet indefinitely can cause its own set of problems. All of this will be looked at in this masterclass ❤️. (and rant over :)

This masterclass is in 3 parts:

Part 1 – How to know if this will help you, including signs and symptoms of SIBO

Part 2 – Your FODMAPs Guide

Part 3 – FAQs

Let’s dive in! Head over to Part 1!

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Part 1

Will this help?

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Part 2

Your FODMAPS guide

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Part 3

Important FAQs

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