December - Digestion


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“You are what you eat” has become a bit of a cliché, but the saying has a lot of truth to it. It needs one small tweak, though. I prefer the saying, “You are what you eat, digest, and assimilate.”

Assimilate is the key part of that statement because your body can only use nutrients when they’ve been fully taken into your body. You can eat a beautiful and balanced diet, but if you’re not properly assimilating your nutrients, then you might be dealing with deficiencies.

When your digestive system is happy, your whole body is happy! Better digestion gives you more energy, reduces inflammation, and reduces or eliminates all of your indigestion symptoms. It may even speed up your metabolism!

Evaluating Your Digestion

Everyone feels some digestive symptoms from time to time. Pay attention to any symptoms you feel regularly and notice anytime they’re getting stronger. By recognizing the symptoms when they’re happening, you’re making your gut happier. Most of the time, it just wants to be heard. 

The following are some common symptoms of digestive issues:

  • Burping or food repeating

  • Acid reflux/GERD symptoms or taking GERD medication

  • Heaviness in the upper abdomen (right under your ribcage) after eating

  • Feeling of food being stuck in your throat after eating

  • Abdominal pain

  • Abdominal cramping

  • Gas/flatulence

  • Tiredness, especially right after eating

  • Irregularity (diarrhea and/or constipation)

  • Food sensitivities

  • Anxiety/depression 

  • Chronic inflammation

  • Slow metabolism

Each digestive organ has its own language, and by understanding which organ is “talking,” you can more easily understand what your body is trying to say. Sometimes it can be easier to hear your colon (irregularity) than your stomach, but if your stomach is unhappy, it can cause problems all through your digestive system. Tune in and listen to everything your body would like to tell you.

Multiple Issues

If you have symptoms in each part of your digestive system, you’re not alone! If your stomach isn’t working very well, it can trigger a cascade of symptoms throughout your digestive system. 

As you read through this masterclass you may find that you have symptoms in multiple spots…so where do you start? I’ve organized this masterclass in the order to work on. Start at your stomach (or small intestine if that’s the first spot where you experience symptoms) and work your way down. You’ll be surprised to see colon symptoms disappear after your stomach is working better.

You’ll also find that many supplements help multiple areas! For most issues I’ve given you a few options to choose from, choose the one that will help your gut the most or the one that’s easiest for you to take. Message me if you need help choosing :)

Here’s a handy-dandy summary chart so you can have an idea of where your symptoms are originating.

This masterclass is in 5 parts. Don’t tackle everything at once, just work with each digestive organ one at a time :)

Part 1 – Your Stomach 

Part 2 – Gallbladder and Pancreas

Part 3 – Small Intestine & Leaky Gut

Part 4 – Colon

Part 5 – Your Gut Bacteria Friends

When you’re finding balance, start with your stomach and then skip ahead to your gut bacteria. I had originally planned to put the parts in order of attack, but I felt that it was important to know what all of the digestive organs did before tackling the gut bacteria. But, without a doubt, Part 5 is the most important part.

This masterclass is a beast! It’s longer than most and the digestive system can feel overwhelming. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need some help understanding your digestive system 

Got any questions or comments? Comment below, jump to our private Facebook Group, or the Ask Lisa page :).

Let’s get started! Head over to Part 1.


Part 1

Your Stomach

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Part 2

GallBladder & Pancreas

View Lesson

Part 3

Small Intestine

View Lesson

Part 4

Your Colon

View Lesson

Part 5

Your Gut Bacteria Friends

View Lesson