October - Heart Health

Heart Health


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Your blood travels a super-highway throughout your body, transporting nutrients, hormones, oxygen, waste, and carbon dioxide. This is your cardiovascular system (your blood vessels and your heart), and it allows your blood to nourish your cells each day.

Heart disease tends to be seen as a “men’s disease”, but it’s the leading killer of postmenopausal women. 

It’s thought to be connected to low estrogen, but that’s just a hypothesis, and adding estrogen supplements doesn’t reduce the risk. But, there are many things that you can do in your diet and lifestyle to reduce your risk of heart attack, stroke, and cardiovascular disease. Woo! 

In this masterclass, we’re looking at your cardiovascular system from many angles. We’re looking at blood pressure, blood work (cholesterol, triglycerides), heart disease, and how to keep your heart and cardiovascular system happy and healthy for a lifetime. 

This masterclass is in four parts:

Part 1: Definitions & Terms

Part 2: Stress and Your Heart

Part 3: Heart Imbalances (cholesterol, triglycerides, atherosclerosis, etc)

Part 4: Finding Balance - a step by step guide

In this masterclass I’ve also discovered a word that my fingers don’t like to type - atherosclerosis. My fingers desperately want to add extra letters, like “L” and more “E”s…I think I caught all of the errors, but let me know if you find any more :).

Got any questions or comments? Comment below, jump to our private Facebook Group, or the Ask Lisa page :).

Let’s get started! Head over to Part 1.


Part 1


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Part 2

Stress & Your HEart

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Part 3

Heart Imbalances

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Part 4

Finding Balance

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