Part 2 - Conscious Eating

This is an amazing tool if you find yourself mindlessly eating or struggle with overeating. 

Simply put – it’s impossible to overeat with this technique. Completely impossible.

Why? Well, that’s because you’ll be eating so slowing and mindfully that you’ll be aware when your stomach is full. 

And, it’s way too boring. Seriously, you’ll be totally bored WAY before you overeat.

What you’ll get from Conscious Eating is SO much more than just reigning in your portions. You’ll also bring so much pleasure and joy into your eating. It just feels soooooo gooooood.

This technique will take some practice too, so please be patient with yourself. 

The two simple questions to ask –

This technique comes down to 2 questions. Ask them anytime you see something you really want to eat. And especially ask them if it’s something that triggers some guilt.

Ask -

1. Do I REALLY want to eat this?

…if yes

2. Do I want to change what I’m doing so I can sit down and really ENJOY this food?

If you answer yes to both questions, then find a quiet spot (away from your desk, not driving, away from the TV, and any other distraction), and enjoy this food.

Take a bite. Savour the flavour. And really enjoy every single bite.


If you answer no to either question -

Then don’t eat it. It’s that simple.

But it’s more than that, by deciding that you don’t want it means you’ll also stop thinking about it.

Have you ever walked past a treat and said to yourself “I shouldn’t have that”. And maybe you manage to not eat it. 

It takes A LOT of willpower to deny yourself something you want to have. For many of us, that treat will stay in the back of our minds, tempting us constantly. 

And eventually…we’re going to give in. It’s just plain old human nature!

But, with conscious eating, you haven’t denied yourself of anything. You said no. You chose.

And because of this small difference, choosing instead of denying, you won’t need any willpower to fend off that craving.

And you can have it if you’d like! You just have to stop what you’re doing so you can enjoy it.

Choice is a very powerful concept with food :)

Try it out and be curious -

What do you notice? How much do you need to eat before you feel full? Is that different than before?

Some client experiences with this :)

- One client found that she only needed ½ of her normal take out lunch to feel full and satisfied. And she had much more energy in the afternoon when she ate less.

- Another client had a habit of eating a full bag of chips in front of the TV every night, a habit she really struggled to release. Through conscious eating, she found she only needed 5 or 6 chips to feel satisfied, and 2 weeks later she hadn’t quite finished 1 bag of chips yet. 

Any cool discoveries you’d like to share? Share them with us on our Facebook group or send them to me privately :)

Part 1

Be curious

View Lesson

Part 2

conscious eating

View Lesson

Part 3

How to deal with treats

View Lesson