July - All About Hydration!

All About Hydration


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Which one do you think is most important for your body - water or food?

When it comes to your survival, the prize goes to water. 

Even mild dehydration (1% of your body’s water) can cause irritability and brain fog, and many people live in this state of mild dehydration. Experimenting with hydration and really working at spending a few days well hydrated will let you see how your body feels when it’s happily water-filled.

Funny story, many years ago an acquaintance tried to sell me a very expensive ($5000+) alkaline water system (my unfiltered opinion on alkaline water is in Part 3). They tried really hard, spouting all of the amazing benefits they had felt since getting their machine.

They had better energy, clearer skin, better sleep, fewer sugar cravings in the afternoon, it was amazing! Yes, those are great benefits! …but they’re all the benefits from being fully hydrated, NOT from drinking alkaline water. 

I assume many people who buy these machines feel the same way, and they connect their feelings to the magic of this expensive machine. But, I see it a little differently. I think that spending big bucks on a water machine had motivated them to drink more water and that’s why they felt so great.

It was the hydration, not the machine :)

Even I struggle with hydration sometimes and I’m a MEGA water drinker. The amount of water you need each day varies and this masterclass is full of ideas and tips to help keep those cells of yours happy and water-filled. 

This masterclass is in three parts:

Part 1: Hydration Basics – this is a quick guide to why your body needs water.

Part 2: How to stay hydrated – these are some tips and tricks to hydrate quickly and get into the habit of drinking water each day.

Part 3: Hydration Qs – common questions and the questions you’ve submitted

If you have any questions whatsoever, send them to me by email or post them below. Now let’s dive in!

Got any questions or comments? Comment below, jump to our private Facebook Group, or the Ask Lisa page :)

Let’s get started! Head over to Part 1.


Part 1

Hydration Basics

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Part 2

How to stay hydrated

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Part 3

Hydration Qs

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