Inflammation - Part 3

The Gut / Immune Connection

FYI - This video was recorded in Sept 2019 for the original Inflammation Masterclass

Here’s the cheat sheet for supporting your gut bacteria:

1. Seed your gut with a good-quality probiotic supplement – 

We no longer have as much bacteria around us (we drink clean water and have clean sanitation), so most of us (I’d argue all of us) need some extra bacteria help. 

If you have a great digestive system – seed your gut with a probiotic 1 – 2x per week.

If you have digestive issues or have taken antibiotics in the last few years – seed your gut every day for at least 6 months (longer if your symptoms stick around). The reduce to 1 – 2x per week

2. Enjoy a fermented food every day:

This is gut fertilizer; it makes a huge difference. One serving per day is all you need. Yogurt, kefir, unpasteurized sauerkraut, or any fermented vegetable is a great source of fermented food.

3. Feed your gut bacteria with lots of plant-based fibre:

Plant fibres all contain prebiotics. These are types of fibre that we can’t digest but act as food for your good bacteria. You don’t need a supplement, just enjoy a variety of plant-based food, like; fruit, veggies, nuts, seeds, beans, and whole grains. Research has found that a diverse fibre-filled diet = a strong and diverse gut bacteria colony. It only takes 7 days to make a measurable difference!

If you’re feeling symptoms of indigestion or if you feel your gut could use some extra support, head over to the 3 Steps to a Gut Reset Masterclass for the step by step process to heal your gut!

Got any questions or comments? Comment below, jump to our private Facebook Group, or the Ask Lisa page :)

Time to Head over to Part 4!


Part 1


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Part 2


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Part 3


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