October - Managing Pain Through Diet



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Many of us are dealing with pain daily. NIH analysis found that 11% of Americans felt pain every day for the last 3 months! That’s a lot of us who are dealing with pain every single day. 

And pain is exhausting! If you’re dealing with pain, I’m sure you realize this, but I want to make it abundantly clear – the pain you’re feeling is contributing to your tiredness. Even if you take Advil or other NSAID to relieve the pain. 

I’ve created this masterclass to help provide some relief for your pain. This is in 5 parts, and I’ve given specific advice for a few types of pain, and the food & supplement parts look at most types of body pain.

Part 1 is for everyone – it talks about a connection I’ve found over the years and an experiment to try. It can be pretty darn effective – I’ve seen self-reported levels of pain go from 8/10 to a 2/10 in just a few days!  

It doesn’t work for everyone, but it’s effective enough to give ‘er a go <3.

If I’ve missed a type of pain or if you have something that’s worked really well for you, please email me and let me know!

Time to dive in!

If you have any questions, jump to our private Facebook Group or the Ask Lisa page :)

Now let’s get started! Head over to Part 1.


Part 1

Sugar & Pain

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Part 2

Headaches & muscle Tension

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Part 3

Arthritis & Joint pain

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Part 4

Food to relieve pain

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Part 5


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