Supplements Explained - Part 2

When & How to Take Supplements

This section is all about the how and when to take supplements…I’m going to try to make it as simple as possible.

Time of the day

What to only take in the morning (energy boosters)

You want to take any supplements that can give you energy in the morning.


  • B Vitamins

  • Vitamin D (for some)

  • energy boosting herbs (like ginseng, cola nut, and ginkgo biloba)

  • some medicinal mushrooms (reishi and cordycps).

Basically – if it contains vitamins or the bottle talks about boosting energy, take it by lunchtime at the latest.


What to save for dinner/evening (things that help you relax) – 

All minerals, especially magnesium, will help your body relax and can help with sleep. Take them with dinner (you don’t need to wait until just before bed). All sleep aids should be taken in the evening as well.

Iron & calcium don’t mix – Calcium can block the absorption of iron, so it’s best to take these separately. An easy way is to take one with breakfast and the other with dinner (it doesn’t matter which one goes where, do what’s easy).

Otherwise, all other supplements can be taken at any time of the day.

Which begs the question – with food or without?


Food or no food?

I’m going to make this as simple as possible. Don’t hesitate to ask if you don’t find this clear enough :)

With food – 

Any nutrient that was isolated from food will absorb best when taken with a meal. This includes: vitamins, minerals, & essential fats (like fish oil).

My motto - any nutrient that comes from food should be taken with a meal.

Without food or it doesn’t matter –

Supplements that are whole foods can be taken on their own. This includes herbal formulas & medicinal mushrooms.

If in doubt, check the label. And truthfully, most supplements are okay with food.

Probiotics…it depends on the type –

This is a tricky one, because the type of bacteria determines if it should be taken with food or on an empty stomach. Always check the label, the manufacturer will tell you :)

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Head over to Part 3.


Part 1


to Consider

View Lesson

Part 2

When to take

your supplements

View Lesson

Part 3

How to

Read Labels

View Lesson

Part 4

How to find

Great Supplements

View Lesson