Organic Beauty - Part 3

How to Get Started

Video 6: How to Get Started on Your Green Beauty Journey

In this video, you’ll learn:

  • Why there’s no need to panic.

  • Why it’s not a good idea to throw out all of your products at once.

  • Why this is about progress, not perfection.

Video 7: How to Begin Switching Your Products

In this video, you’ll learn:

  • Noleen’s top piece of advice when you begin to switch to healthy beauty products.

  • The 3 simple methods you can use to begin switching your products.

Video 8: Final Tips & Further Resources

In this video, Noleen shares some final tips with us as well as some further resources that will help you easily get started with, or move to the next stage of, your green beauty journey.

A few bonus items Noleen has shared with us:

>Download your FREE Best Natural & Organic Beauty Brands Guide here:

>Article about Natural & Organic Certification:

>Natural Beauty Society:

You’re done!! I hope you’ve enjoyed your journey through Organic Beauty <3

Got any questions or comments? Jump to our private Facebook Group or the Ask Lisa page :)


Part 1


to Organic Beauty

View Lesson

Part 2


to Avoid

View Lesson

Part 3

How to

Get Started

View Lesson