January - Build an Effective Immune System


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Your immune system is your protector in life. It’s ready to defend you against viruses and bacteria, it heals you when you’re injured, and takes care of the general upkeep for your beautiful body.

But, our current way of life isn’t very immune-friendly. We’re only beginning to learn how much our immune system needs regular inputs of good bacteria and opportunities to practice defence for it to stay happy and balanced.

Which is why many people are dealing with immune systems that are out of balance, and are feeling symptoms of chronic inflammation and are dealing with autoimmune conditions (often and annoyingly, autoimmune conditions like to come in clumps).

This masterclass isn’t just about how to deal with the latest virus going around, we’ll also be looking at chronic inflammation, allergies, and autoimmune conditions. I’m going to do my best to simplify this very complex body system that interacts with most cells in your body every day.

This Masterclass will guide you through the steps to build a great and effective (and powerful) immune system that can defend you when necessary, but usually stays in a nice goldilocks zone. Nice and balanced.

This masterclass is in 3 Parts -

Part 1 - Why we want to balance (not boost) our immune system - it’s all about the Goldilocks Zone

Part 2 - A guide to building an effective immune system - including food, supplement, and lifestyle ideas that will support your immune system and bring it into the Goldilocks Zone

Part 3 - What to do when you’re sick - a guide to boosting your immune system when it needs some extra support

Most of the time, follow the steps in Part 2. Add some immune supportive food and maybe a supplement or two, and keep your immune system in fighting shape. Balanced and strong.

Anytime you feel like you’re getting sick or if someone in your house is getting sick, then pop over to Part 3. This is a guide for boosting your immune system when it needs some extra support.

It’s a good idea to have one or two immune supportive supplements on hand so you can get them into your system the moment you feel symptoms, so it might be a good idea to read through that section ahead of time so you’re prepared :) ❤️

Got any questions or comments? Jump to our private Facebook Group or the Ask Lisa page :)

Now let’s get started! Head over to Part 1.


Part 1

The Goldilocks


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Part 2

Build an Effective

Immune System

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Part 3

What to do

when You’re sick

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