July - Restful Sleep


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This masterclass got a huge overhaul in July 2023…but this video is from its original iteration from Summer 2019. You’ll see my old house (hello old house!) and my hair’s a bit shorter…but I still regularly wear that dress (I think I need to do some shopping…).

In this version of your Sleep Masterclass, I’ve added a full section on Peri-& Menopause Sleep Issues, so the goodies (the how tos) are in Part 4, not in Part 3 which I reference in this video.

Hello 2019 Lisa! So nice to see you again :)

Sleep, it’s one of the harder puzzles to solve. It comes easily to some and is very elusive to others. 

In this masterclass we’ll be going over some important tools to help you get to sleep…and no matter how elusive sleep is for you, I have some good news.

There will be something (eventually) that will work for you…it just takes some time to find it :).

A colleague of mine is a doctor who worked with people with a chronic disease diagnosis. One of those big and scary diseases we prefer not to get. Understandably, almost all of her patients had trouble sleeping.

One, in particular, hadn’t had a good night sleep in 20 years. She had tried EVERYTHING. Every drug, supplement, and technique…but still, sleep stayed elusive. 

Her doctor encouraged her to keep trying, so they looked at the clothes she wore to go to sleep. They did a few experiments, and presto! She had a good night sleep.

The solution for her – socks. It seems her feet were cold and once they were warm she could fall asleep.

Socks. That was all she needed :).

So keep trying, and sooner or later you’ll find your solution too :)

This Masterclass is in 4 Parts:

Part 1 - Sleep Basics

Part 2 - Sleep Hormones - including the nutrients needed to make melatonin

Part 3 (new section) - Peri- & Menopause Sleep Issues - this section is written from experience, something 2019 Lisa hadn’t had to deal with yet…

Part 4 - How to Get More Sleep - we tackle sleep hygiene, food, supplements, and all that good stuff.

This 2023 version has been fully updated, with new things in each part. If there’s anything missing or if you have questions that haven’t been covered, please don’t hesitate to reach out :).

Let’s get started! Head over to Part 1.

Got any questions or comments? Jump to our private Facebook Group or the Ask Lisa page :)


Part 1

Sleep Basics

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Part 2

Sleep Hormones

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Part 3

Peri- & Menopause Sleep Issues

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Part 4

How to get more sleep

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